Intro to Antioxidants/Free Radicals


What are antioxidants, and why are they getting so much attention?

Antioxidants: Molecules that stabilize free radicals and defend our cells from free radical damage (oxidative damage).

Free Radicals: highly reactive, unstable molecules that cause damage to cells and genetic material such as DNA.

Normal body functions such as breathing and physical activities require energy. The normal byproduct of energy production is free radicals. Free radicals are also caused by smoking, pollution, exposure the the sun’s UV rays, X-Rays, chemicals in foods, etc.

Like I said before, free radicals are unstable, highly reactive molecules. They steal electrons from other molecules in the body, creating a destructive chain.

Antioxidants stop this chain reaction by donating an electron, and thus stabilizing the free radical.

The best defense against aging and diseases is to maintain high levels of antioxidants.

How can you maintain the “Antioxidant Advantage” and protect yourself from free radical damage?

Antioxidants can be produced by the body or ingested through the foods we eat or the supplements we take.

So by increasing our intake of fruits and vegetables, dark chocolate, green tea, etc., you can increase the antioxidant levels in your tissues and create a defense against aging and diseases.

Since most Americans do not get the recommended 8-10 servings of fruits and vegetables / day, supplementing with high quality, scientifically-tested, bioavailable antioxidant products can help boost your antioxidant levels, even if you are not eating as well as you should.

I will get more into what it means to be “Bioavailable” later on.

What are new studies revealing about antioxidants in regards to the aging process and the onset of disease?

A German study published in 2011 in European Journal of Nutrition:

“According to an important study appearing in a recent issue of the European Journal of Nutrition, individuals who were taking antioxidant supplements at the start of the 11-year study period had a 48 percent reduction in the risk of cancer mortality. In addition, the risk of dying from all causes (all-cause mortality) was 42 percent lower among antioxidant supplement users.Of interest is the fact that taking only a basic multiple vitamin and mineral supplement (i.e. one not enriched with meaningful doses of antioxidants) did NOT confer any protection against cancer or all-cause mortality. These findings suggest that antioxidant supplements provide an important defense against cancer and death from other causes.”

So we see here:

It is not basic vitamin and mineral supplements like you might buy at the grocery store or even health food store that are beneficial. It is antioxidant supplements. I will talk more about our supplements later.

“The amount of antioxidants that you maintain in your body is directly proportional to how long you will live.” -Dr. Richard Cutler, Director of Anti-Aging Research, National Institute of Health